Pernah dengar tak?
Apa maksud jahilliyah?
Baiklah. Jahilliyah merupakan perkataan yang berasal daripada bahasa Arab iaitu Jahil.
Maksudnya ialah bodoh atau tidak tahu.
Golongan jahilliyah merupakan golongan bahasa Arab sebelum kedatangan Islam.
Mereka mengamalkan rasuah dalam perniagaan, penzinaan berleluasa, arak sebagai minuman harian, bayi perempuan ditanam hidup-hidup dan sebagainya.
Kedatangan Islam yang disampaikan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w yang merupakan seorang Bangsa Quraisy telah membawa 'nur' kepada jiwa-jiwa 'gelap' golongan jahilliyah.
Islam suatu ketika dahulu sungguh hebat. Bukan hebat sekali, tetapi hebat berkali-kali.
Kejayaan mereka dalam memerangi musuh Islam bukan sahaj dapat dibuktikan dengan kepimpinan yang utuh, strategik yang berkesan bahkan juga akhlak Islam yang sangat terpuji.
Namun begitu, Islam kini ditindas. Penyakit jahilliyah semakin menular. Jiwa-jiwa remaja Islam kini umpama tidak pernah mengenal Tuhan, Nabi, Rasul.
Nama Islam hanya hebat sebagai sejarah.
Adakah kita mahu perkara ini berlarutan?

Ayuh! Kita buktikan.
Perjuangan Islam tidak akan sesekali berhenti di sini.
Kita buktikan dengan amalan!
Kita buktikan dengan sikap!
Kita buktikan dengan istiqamah!
Kita buktikan cinta kita kepada Allah!
Kita buktikan cinta kita kepada Rasul, ummah dan sebagainya!
Kita boleh! Dengan pertolongan dari Allah Azza Wajalla.
Untuk mendapat mardhatillah.
Untuk mencapai tahap kejaayan yang tertinggi.
Mesti bermula dari satu langkah.
Tiada jalan pintas.
Tiada undur diri.
Niatkan atas redha Allah.
Muhasabah diri.

Untuk hidupkan suasana dakwah memang payah.
Perit, pedih, sukar.
Namun, berapa lama kita mahu mengeluh?
Dakwah itu, memerlukan permulaan.
Mulakanlah dari diri kita.
Dengan jiwa yang inginkan redha Allah.
Aku, Dia dan Tajwid.
Aku lihat wajahmu, nafasku tersekat umpama saktah. Senyumanmu yang cantik itu membuatkan hatiku condong kepadamu bagaikan Imalah. Aku ingin zahirkan cintaku sejelasnya dan terang kepadamu umpana Izhar Halqi. Aku harap cintaku padamu lebih panjang daripada Mad Lazim Harfi Muthaqal dan namamu akan aku masukkan dalam hatiku bagaikan Idgham Bila Ghunnah. Aku tidak akan mencari ihsan lain dalam hatiku dan hanya kamu dalam hatiku persis Idgham Mutamathilain dan bukannya ada pegganti selepas kehilangan seakan Idgham Mutaqarribain. Ingatlah, namamu tinggal dalam diriku sampai bila-bila seraut hukum Isymam.

100 advices from Qur'an.
Do not mix the truth with falsehood. [2:42]
Order righteousness to people only after practising it yourself. [2:44]
Do not commit abuse on the earth. [2:60]
Do not prevent people from mosques. [2:114]
Do not follow anyone blindly. [2:170]
Do not break the promise. [2:177]
Do not engage in bribery. [2:188]
Fight only with those who fight you. [2:190]
Keep the etiquettes of war. [2:191]
Protect orphans. [2:220]
Do not have sexual intercouse during menstrual period. [2.222]
Breast feed your children for two complete years. [2:233]
Choose rules by their merit. [2:247]
No compulsion in religion. [2:256]
Do not invalidate charity with reminders. [2:264]
Hepl those in need by finding them. [2:273]
Do not consume interest. [2:275]
Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard time. [2:280]
Write down the debt. [2:282]
Keep the trust. [2:283]
Do not spy and backbite. [2:283]
Believe in all prophets. [2:285]
Do not burden a person beyong his scope. [2:286]
Do not become divided. [3:103]
Restain anger. [3:134]
Do not be rude in speech. [3:159]
Think deeply about the wonders and creation of this universe. [3:191]
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. [3:195]
Wealth of dead should be distributed among his family members. [4:7]
Women also have the right for inheritance. [4:7]
Do not devour the property of orphans. [4:10]
Do not marry those in your blood relation. [4:23]
Do not consume one another's wealth unjustly. [4:29]
Family should be lead by men. [4:34]
Be good to others. [4:36]
Do not miserly. [4:37]
Do not keep envy. [4:54]
Judge with justice between people. [4:58]
Do not kill each other. [4:92]
Do not be an advocate for deceitful. [4:105]
Standout firmly for justice. [4:135]
Cooperate in righteouness. [5:2]
Do not cooperate in sin and aggression. [5:2]
Dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine are prohibited. [5:3]
Be just. [5:8]
Punish crimes in an exemplary way. [5:38]
Strive against sinful and unlawful. [5:63]
Avoid intoxicants and alcohol. [5:90]
Do not gamble. [5:90]
Do not insult others deities. [6:108]
Having majority is not a criterion of truth. [6:116]
Do not reduce weight or measure to cheat people. [6:152]
Do not be arrogant. [7:13]
Eat and drink, but not excessive. [7:31]
Wear good cloths during prayer times. [7:31]
Forgive others for their mistakes. [7:199]
Do not turn back in battle. [8:15]
Protect and help those who seek protection. [9:6]
Keep purity. [9:108]
Never give up hope of Allah's Mercy. [12:87]
Allah will forgive to those who have done wrong out of ignorance. [16:119]
Invitation to God should be with wisdom and good instruction. [16:125]
No one will bear others sins. [17:15]
Be dutiful to parents. [17:23]
Do not say a word of disrespect to parents. [17:23]
Do not spent money extravagantly. [17:29]
Do not kill your children for fear of poverty. [17:31]
Do not approach unlawful sexual intercouse. [17:32]
Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. [17:36]
Speak to people mildly. [20:44]
Keep aloof from what is vain. [23:3]
Do not enter others house without seeking permission. [24:27]
Allah will provide security for those who believe only in Allah. [24:55]
Do not enter parents private room without asking permission. [24:58]
Walk on earth in humility. [24:63]
Do not neglect your portion of this world. [28:77]
Invoke not any other god along with Allah. [28:88]
Do not engage in homosexuality. [29:29]
Enjoin right, forbid wrong. [31:17]
Do not walk in insolance through the earth. [31:18]
Lower your voice. [31:19]
Women should not display their finery. [33:33]
Allah forgives all sins. [39:53]
Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. [39:53]
Repel evil by good. [41:34]
Decide on affairs by consultation. [42:38]
Try for settlement between people. [49:9]
Do not ridicule others. [49:11]
Avoid suspicion. [49:12]
Most noble of you is the most righteous. [49:13]
Honor quests. [51:26]
Spent wealth in charity. [57:7]
No monasticism in relagion. [57:27]
Those who have knowledge will be given a higher degree by Allah. [58:11]
Treat non-muslims in a kind and fair manner. [60:8]
Save yourself from covetousnedd. [64:16]
Seek forgiveness of Allah. He is Forgiving and Merciful. [73:20]
Do not repel one who asks. [93:10]
Encourage feeding poor. [107:3]
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